Questioned Documents (QD)

Truth Labs has a largest number of life-time experienced seasoned Handwriting Experts who served the Central and State Forensic Science Laboratories and GEQD’s of Government of India, who perform various forensic examinations pertaining to handwriting comparison, signature analysis/authentication of signature, alteration/obliteration/indentation analysis, secret writing analysis, photo-shopped signature, watermark detection, rubber stamp verification, ink verification, paper verification, etc.
The state-of-art equipment including Video Spectral Comparator (VSC), Stereo-Zoom Microscope and Magnifiers under various lighting arrangements are used in detecting numerous types of document forgeries, cheating, conspiracy, falsification, misappropriation, embezzlement, counterfeiting, impersonation, mis-conduct, corruption and bribery, recruitment frauds, Negotiable Instrument Act, Central Excise, Income Tax and Customs related cases and other fraudulent transactions in business, family and personal disputes in disputed documents such as Land Agreement, Will, Gift Deed, GPA, Cheques, Laminated documents, Certificates, DD, Counterfoils, Pay-in-slips, Account Opening Forms, MoU’s, Receipts, Suicide Notes, Anonymous Letters, Settlement Deeds and etc. received from General public, Courts & Tribunals (National/State/Local), Police, Banks, Financial Institutions, Advocates & Law Firms, Insurance companies, Universities, Private Organizations, Corporate & MNCs, Vigilance Bureaus, Government Departments & PSUs, etc.